Length: 4.55 milesElev. gain: 4724 ftTime: 4:08:38 The hike: https://jen-travels.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=6170&action=edit Untersberg is one of the…
Tag: Day Hike

Kesselfallklamm ab Semriach Hike
Length: 3.50 milesElev. gain: 1027 ftTime: 1:33:41 The hike: https://www.alltrails.com/explore/recording/morning-hike-at-kesselfallklamm-ab-semriach-12bcd65 I looked on Alltrails for…

Overnight Trip to Slovenia
I was determined to visit as many countries as possible on this trip, so I…

Painters’ Circular Trail
Length: 6.81 milesElev. gain: 951 ftTime: 2:37:01 The hike: https://www.alltrails.com/explore/recording/painters-circular-trail-9ed2755 I discovered this trail by…

Vorderer and Hinterer Gosausee
Length: 8.84 miElev. gain: 1,572 ftTime: 3:11:25 The trail: https://www.alltrails.com/explore/recording/vorderer-gosausee-faefec4 Gosausee is a picturesque lake…

Plitvice Lakes National Park Hike
Length: 11.23 milesElevation gain: 1795 ftTime: 3:56:27 The hike: https://www.alltrails.com/explore/recording/plitvice-upper-and-lower-lakes-4abe290 Plitvice Lakes National Park is…

Krka National Park
Krka National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the top sites…

Montenegro in 24 Hours
Montenegro is a relatively new country and I didn’t even know about it until recently…

Calla Lily Valley
Length: 0.74 milesElev. gain: 66 ft The hike: https://www.alltrails.com/explore/recording/garrapata-beach-calla-lily-valley-d3d80b6 Calla Lily Valley is located off…

Point Lobos Loop
Length: 4.6 milesElev gain: 433 feetTime: 1:46:28 The hike: https://www.alltrails.com/explore/recording/point-lobos-loop-c4d2ce3 I decided to embark on…