Length: 4.55 miles
Elev. gain: 4724 ft
Time: 4:08:38
The hike:
Untersberg is one of the most classic hikes around Salzburg. There are two main routes and I chose the Dopplersteig one, which is said to be shorter, steeper, more exposed, more challenging, but ultimately more rewarding.
I arrived at Parkplatz Rosittenstrasse early in the morning, paid for parking, and started the hike without delay.

The hike began with countless steps and an endless climb.

At some point during the hike, I looked back and discovered this lovely view.

Just when I started to feel tired, I reached a terrain where everything opened up.

This exposed section is my favorite part of the hike. I loved the challenge of the steep climb as well the trilling sensation of vertigo.

When I looked back, there was this beautiful view, even though it was partially obscured by rolling clouds.

I kept climbing…

… and looking back to enjoy the views.

But more and more clouds started rolling in, which was worrisome, because I had come to do the hike for the stunning view at the top and that possibility was become less and less likely.

Occasionally, the clouds would clear, and the views would become clearer. But only briefly.

I finally reached the top. This hike is well know for its view from the top. Unfortunately, all I saw was clouds, with only glimpses of the view when the clouds briefly parted.

I waited for a while, hoping the clouds would clear, but there was no sign that it would happen soon. So I decided to make my way down. To save time, I took the cable car, and the view during the ride down was much better.

I didn’t realize (or rather, I forgot), however, that the cable car station was a few miles from the car park. It took me another hour an a half to get back to my car.