Length: 3.38 mi
Elev. gain: 1286 ft
Time: 2:12:28
The hike:
This was the second hike I did today.
The trail was steep, gaining over 1200 ft in less than two miles.
In order to get to the waterfall at the end of the trail, I had to cross a large pile of boulders but it was hard to know which direction to go. I went the wrong way at first but eventually figured it out. There were lots of spiders crawling around on the boulders too, which was scary and made the hike challenging because I was scared of holding onto the boulders for support.
The waterfall wasn’t easy to find either once I crossed the boulder field, I had to follow the stream and hop on little rocks to get to the falls in order to not get my sandals wet.
Pretty little waterfall.
Wildflowers on the trail.